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A big number

18 is that age when you finally pass from child to adult, that age when all those online accounts stop begging me for a guardian's permission, that age when I really feel like I've started a whole new chapter of my life.

I'm a huge reflector, and going back through the past 18 years, I can reminisce on the times that have been. From a young kid at kindergarten, through Wesley for 10 years and Caulfield for 1, making some lifelong friends along the way, and finally to these 4 years at Camberwell, I've truly loved the life I've lived so far.

Somehow, I feel like my life has taken an even bigger growth spurt in comparison to the jump from 16 to 17. It's crazy to think of all the things that have happened, I attended anoterh Twice concert, wrapped up the first few subjects of my VCE journey, gone on a chemistry camp, found myself the loveliest of girlfriends, won the AGSV Premiership in Table Tennis, went to three formals (cutest couple!) and even represented Australia internationally, something I've always wanted to do given my immense love for where I've grown up.

It blows my mind when I look back to just how much I've managed to accomplish in this past year, I'm always one to give myself a bit of slack, but even I can barely comprehend how proud I am of everything I've managed to do.

Deeper reflections

This birthday doesn't feel like I've incremented my age, it feels like I've jumped up to a new phase, but as I do so, I want to look back at the years that have gone by:

  • From birth to 5, I was just a tiny child, like any other child, excited, had nothing to do, learning to go to school and make friends that I have stayed with me over all these years.
  • From 5 to 13, I was learning, being nurtured by all those around me. I vividly remember all the fun I had with my friends at and outside of school playing sports, music, games; this period of time was truely a bliss.
  • From 13 to 18, I matured, moving across two schools, expanding my social circle and adapting my personality, being more and more goal-oriented and understanding what I'm living for. It's at this point I realised youthfulness is the highest form of wealth that only ever disappears, I need not take life too seriously during this time.

18 and beyond

So, now what? That's childhood done pretty much, although I think I'll always intrinsically contain the nature of a young, exuberant kid at heart. Sometimes, being young and naive is the best part of life, being with people you love, enjoying the delicacies of life, rather than succumbing to the world around you.

I guess VCE is important? I mean, maybe 2 months before the exams isn't the best time to start doubting how much I should focus on the thing I've spent the last 2 years of my life focusing 8 hours a day on. After these final 2 months, this chapter of schooling ends as well, opening up to the semi-real world. There's still university afterwards, which honestly I've heard feels like half holiday half school, so I'm not too fussed about that.

Financially, it's definitely time to start thinking about some ways of making money. I've started playing with stocks again (and finally fixed the stock dashboard), but honestly, the more I think about it, the harder it is to make much money trading stocks. I'm also considering some form of tutoring, but I have very limited ideas for what I'm going to do, apart from designing this landing page for it. We'll see how it goes, always gotta get some hope up right?

As I said this time last year, life is gonna change quite a bit which is both exciting and terrifying, but we'll see where we go.

Plans for next week

  1. Finish off my SACs
  2. Don't bomb UMO
  3. Maybe figure out some things about my life
"Your blog is the reason I'm still alive."
- Anonymous

Jerry Jin

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