
about me

Camberwell Grammar School

As of 2024, I am a student in Year 12, enroute to finishing my high school journey, with the largest obstacle — VCE — still in the way.

Current Projects

  1. I am currently a Year 12 student studying at Camberwell Grammar School.
  2. On this website, I showcase myself as well as some other projects, including this stock dashboard.
  3. I also try to invest in stocks, so if you have any advice, feel free to share it 😊

However, I feel like I should probably be looking for a job or maybe even starting a small business to earn some money at this age.


As with every other student, this period is quite daunting to me. It feels quite surreal that I'm finishing school so soon, but I hope I make the most of this last year.

For reference, my VCE subjects are:

  • English Language
  • Mathematical Methods (50)
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Chinese Second Language (43)
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

I did Methods and Chinese a year early in Year 11.

Other Stuff

I am quite invested in following sports (not so much playing them).

My soccer/football team is Manchester City and I watch just about all their games. In AFL I go for the Swans and it was rather depressing watching them crumble against Geelong in 2022. I also started watching the NBA a lot recently.

Otherwise, my life is rather boring I'd say, I don't go out all that often and most of the time I'm just sat at my workstation literally AFK.

If you want any advice on tech/productivity, I'm great at recommending stuff, not so good at following advice.

Life update: I have a girlfriend and I love her a lot!

Jerry Jin

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