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It's hard to sober up fast.

Total slumber

After all that, last week really just turned into much of a nothing week. Time flowed past super quickly, everything was a blur and now it's time to get back up and running. It's nothing new, I always allow myself time to just rest up and recover after something with a bit of pressure. I can't really give a recap of what even happened, because I basically forgot everything that happened last week.

The small things matter

One of the worst things I feel you can do in these sort of high pressure situations is letting go of those solid foundations. For me - it's especially habits and health. To me, those fundamentals really help build and consolidate your daily life and dropping them or neglecting them just provides a means for your life to spiral out of control a little. By being consistent with those tiny things across life, doing them everyday, it's a small nod to yourself that you are still in control.

I feel like I lost a bit of that control last week. I stopped exercising, didn't write this blog (lol) and my sleep got wildly out of control. But in the first 4 days of this week, I've wrestled back a bit of control - I've cut down on naps and sleep at a better time, I did some exercise everyday and I've gotten around to writing this. Of course these are the first few baby steps, maintaining this consistency from now on is going to be the key to staying in control.

Plans for next week

  1. Switch mindsets fully
  2. Be consistent with habits
  3. Be confident in my own abilities

DM me 'audacious' if you see this.

"Your blog is the reason I'm still alive."
- Anonymous

Jerry Jin

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