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It's finally over with.

Long term pain

Well, there's one thing that has always caused me some grief in life. And that has to be Chinese. Despite the many great memories I've made at Chinese school and all the great friends I've met, learning the language has always been a tough spot. Especially as I transitioned to doing it for VCE, it seemed the pain it caused just increased exponentially. Well, last Thursday I guess was sort of a cumulation of all these 13 years of work as it was the final oral exam.

To be perfectly honest, my mindset is that I'm not going to be to pressed over how I went, but I'm just really relieved and happy that it's over with and that I even made it this far. I'm not gonna lie, I've felt like quitting many times because it just didn't seem worth it. But I did somehow make it to here so that's something to celebrate I guess.

Party hard

After the conclusion of that, I think I let myself go quite a bit. Nothing was on my mind other than to play games, watch videos and maybe do a bit of exercise. I felt it was a deserving reward for the effort I've put in and why not.

Although, I think a combined 18 hours of gaming across the weekend didn't help my eyesight much and neglecting to catch up on some missed work probably wasn't the best, but I was really happy just to let my mind wander free without a single stressful thought.

Plans for next week

  1. Relax and chill out with work
  2. Then refresh and regroup my focus
  3. Forget about City for a bit

DM me 'obesity' if you see this.

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- Anonymous

Jerry Jin

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