

The final sprint

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I guess this is about to be it.

Final quarter

It has been quite the gruelling year, but with 3 terms down and the last one to go, there has never been a more important time than right now. This is the term where most of the hard work and effort put in through the whole year starts to matter. Even though it's three quarters through the year, we're really only halfway through with our scores given the weighting of exams.

But equally it's really hard to comprehend what's going on this term. The footy has finished, all the other sports have barely started, it really feels like we've been forced into only studying with little to escape the dread of school.

Trip up at the end

I guess the main point right now is to maintain a steady pace or even improve in terms of motivation and work ethic. I, along with many others I assume, always fall into a sort of half-euphoric mood. It's that feeling when the difficult time is so close to passing so you start to get excited and all, forgetting that you are still yet to pass the biggest hurdle. I'm trying my best to avoid losing focus of that hurdle, which for this week is that nightmare Chinese oral. Of course, after it I will be finally free from the shackles of Chinese orals, but I still need to get through the oral to get to the other side.

Plans for next week

  1. Relax and just go with the flow
  2. Don't celebrate early, but celebrate hard after
  3. Sleep well

DM me 'despicable' if you see this.

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- Anonymous

Jerry Jin

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