

Toughen up

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It's that time to have ice flowing in my veins instead of blood.

Made of steel

In some ways, I have more pressure to do well this week because it's supposed to be easier, it's supposed to be my strong point. But I guess that is what defines great people, being able to handle the pressure of needing to do well.

I'm also not too sure how I should approach this week. Being too relaxed might not be good, because it's always important to feel a bit of responsibility to do well. But obviously I don't want to go into this feeling like it's do or die (even if it might be). All I really need to do is go there, showcase my skills and what I can do and that will be the best outcome for me.


There's one thing in life that really pisses me off and it's getting sick. Mainly because it's such a drag just wasting time recovering, but also because it really makes you think of all the times you weren't sick and were able to breathe properly lmao. The problem with me is that either I seem to get sick often or I never really seem to fully recover from being sick. It just seems like it never ends which is stupidly annoying. And come every spring which would be my favourite time of the year, hay fever really kicks in and starts to overthrow my whole body.

I pray I can actually find some way to overcome this from happening all the time. I really just want to live a normal life this time of the year, not fall ill every time it gets to spring.

Plans for next week

  1. Feel calm and stoic
  2. Heal my blocked af nose
  3. My time now

DM me 'solid' if you see this.

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Jerry Jin

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